State-of-the-art, high-purity (97%) mined gypsum has been screened (finer than 325 mesh) for use in agitating sprayers, drip, and sprinkler systems. Can be top or side dressed or mixed in soil mixes. High mobility and solubility keep calcium and sulfur levels near the soil surface and readily available to plant roots and soil microbes.
- Use at lower rates (50-400 lb/acre) than non-soluble gypsum, but more frequently
- For foliar rates use 1-10 lb/acre
- Can be used for fertigation
- For small gardens use .5-1tsp a gallon as a drench.
- Contains 22.5% Calcium and 18% Sulfur.
- Maintain the water ph at 6.5 or lower
- Make sure PH is adjusted properly before adding gypsum or products that contain calcium.
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