Soil Amendment Recommendations based on Soil Testing.
Our recommendation report for each sample has two parts: the soil analysis and recommendations for achieving the proper fertility level. The basic soil analysis will normally include:
- Total Exchange Capacity (T.E.C.)
- Organic Matter(Humus) as percent
- Nitrogen (N released from colloidal humus)
- Sulfate (Expressed as elemental sulfur) in ppm
- Phosphates (as P2O5)
- Olsen Value (Included at no charge if pH is above 7.5)
- Percent Base Saturation of:
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Other Bases
- Exchangeable Hydrogen
- Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Sodium levels-in lbs/acre*
- Trace Elements:
- Boron in ppm
- Iron in ppm
- Manganese in ppm
- Copper in ppm
- Zinc in ppm
- Molybdenum in ppm
- Selenium in ppm
- Silicon in ppm
- EC in mmhos/cm
How to Get a Soil amendment recommendation.
Click here to view the instructions.