Manganese: Manganese Sulfate 31% (Mn), 18% Sulfur (S).
Chemical Formula: MnSO4⋅4H2O
OMRI listed for Organic Use.
Manganese is essential for many plant functions. Some of them are:
- The assimilation of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.
- It aids in the synthesis of chlorophyll and in nitrate assimilation.
- Manganese activates fat forming enzymes.
- It functions in the formation of riboflavin, ascorbic acid, and carotene.
- It functions in electron transport during photosynthesis.
- It is involved in the Hill Reaction where water is split during photosynthesis.
Directions For Use
Soil Applications
: Broadcast 20-60 lbs . per acre preplant orat planting
. For banded or side-dress applications, use 10-30 lbs . per acre . For improved results, apply in combination with at least 50 lb . ammonium sulfate per acre .
Foliar Applications
: Apply to actively growing plants
just before full leaf expansion for best results . Thorough coverage and wetting are needed for optimum foliar spray results . Adjust application gallonage for equipment
and/or crop coverage . DO NOT apply to foliage when plants are suffering from moisture or heat stress . DO NOT apply to deciduous tree crops during bloom.
may be prepared for dilute sprays according to nutritional need and the following ratios of product-to-diluent .
Nutritional Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 lb . / 100 gals .
Mild Deficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 lbs . / 100 gals .
Severe Deficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 lbs . / 100 gals .